Friday 28 June 2013

2 FREE activities you can create for your toddler!

Hi everyone

Who doesn't like a FREE activity?!  And even better that is very easy and quick to organise.
I got the idea for my activity from this one over at imagine our life.

I love Stephanie's "colour tablets", but I didn't want to spend the money on all the materials she used, and I don't feel like I have the time to spend making them - even though they are super cool!

I really liked activities they were used for so I thought about how I could re-create (on the cheap!)

I came up with this...

These are paint chips from our local Masters (a hardware chain store in Australia), the little monster and I collected them the other day.

Walking around the hardware store was an adventure in itself...the little monster loved pointing at the statues in the gardening section, and telling me what animals they were :)

Ok, back to the activity...
I made sure to collect 2 of each colour "paint chip" cards.  The cards I chose were cardboard rather than wood, so make sure you choose the ones that suit your needs best.

I then used my guillotine to cut the cards down to size and separate each card into 3 sections, shown below: 

The cards can be ordered (as shown above) from light to dark or dark to light - this is activity 1.

Activity 2 requires both sets of paint chip cards being cut in the same way, and then you can ask your little one to match the colours into pairs, like has been shown below:

To store the cards, I had these two little boxes, and we keep one set of cards in each box, so it is easy to complete activity 1 or activity 2 at any time.

To help pack up, you might like to write a "1" or "2" on the back of the cards, so you can easily ensure you have an even number of cards in each set.

You will notice that I didn't create as many colours or sets of colours as Stephanie, but I'm pretty happy with what I did come up with...mainly because it was FREE :)

If your child is a little older and/or needs more of a challenge...have a look at this link, and see how you can adapt this activity (I found it just now while I was trolling Pinterest...) - I think I'll have to do this for my little monster once he has mastered these first two activities :)

I hope you and your little one are enjoying these activities!  I will share another one soon :)

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